Monday, July 2, 2012

GEEE at the Union in Omaha: a Special Thanks to the Re:Store

We would like to especially that the Habitat for Humanity Re:Store in Omaha for allowing us to borrow building materials with which we constructed our trading post for the Big Dig Gig. Borrowing (as opposed to owning) and tapping into local resources are key to the project, and the Omaha community as a whole was generous and engaging with our process.

 We could not resist including these murals painted on the Re:Store facade in our blog.

 This is by far our favorite.

 Some items in the store were curious and tempting, but didn't necessarily work with our designs.

 Most of the shutters were too small for display tables, so we had to get creative.

The double wall flue pieces were modular which made them very tempting for our kit of parts.

Setting Up the Trading Post at the Union in Omaha

View from the East

View from the West